Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Woodworking Carcass Joints

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woodworking carcass joints

Wood joinery is one of the most basic concepts in woodworking.if we didn't have the ability to join two pieces of wood together in a solid fashion, all woodworking pieces would be sculptures, carved out of a single piece of wood. however, with the many varied types of wood joinery, a woodworker has a number of different joints in his arsenal from which to choose, based on the project.. For the “wood joint torture test” in wood magazine issue #173, they created and then destroyed more than 100 joints. wood magazine shear test mortise & tenon joint took 1,005 lbs/force – over double to triple the force to break compared to other joints. wood magazine pull-apart test biscuit miter joint 220 lbs/force; dado 559 lbs/force. Glossary: carcase. sometimes carcase work or carcase construction or case construction. in this entry, carcase is treated together with casework, because, in writing about woodworking activities where these terms are relevant, often the terms are used interchangeably.because their meanings are easily confused, precisely defining each term requires explaining how they function in woodworking.



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woodworking carcass joints

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